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Major causes of death for pregnancy women ( maternal mortality) Postpartum hemorrhage (28%) · heart diseases pregnancy-induced hypertension (or Amniotic fluid embolism) infection
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MENOPAUSE 1. The cessation of menses is menopause. The climacteric and perimenopausal are the periods of waning ovarian function
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Topics today 一、Normal puerperium 二、Diseases of puerperium 三、 Ectopic pregnancy 四、 Abortion
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Bony pelvis Sacrum(骶骨 CHAPTER 3 Embryology. Anatomy, and Reproductive Genetics Sacroiliac joint Anterior superior iliac spine Coccyx(尾骨 Greater sciatic foramen Inguinal ligament Linea terminalis Ischial spine Lesser sciatic foramen Coxae(髋骨 Sacral foramen Obturator foramen Obturator membrane
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Topics toda Normal puerperium Diseases of puerperium Gestational trophoblastic diseases, gtd
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Incidence Heart disease complicates about 1 percent of pregnancies. Component congenital heart disease rheumatic heart disease hypertensive heart disease other varieties (inclued: pregnancy-induced hypertension
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Diagnosis of Early Pregnancy History and symptoms Amenorrhea The first and the most important symptom emotional tension, chronic disease and certain medications delayed menses lactation, IUD and dysfunction of endocrine→ pregnancy
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Labor: the process by which contractions of uterus expel the fetus. Delivery receive the neonate
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一、概述 二、早期尸体现象 三、晚期尸体现象
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一、猝死的定义 二、猝死的特点 三、猝死的主要原因 四、猝死常见的诱因 五、猝死的法医鉴定(以冠心病猝死为例)
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