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当日可取;快洗服务;次日服务;快烫服务;24小时洗衣服务; same-day service (collected by 11: 00; returned on the same day) express service (collected all day and returned within 4 hours; with 50% extra- charge) Next day service (Collected after 11: 00, delivered before 19: 00 next day) Express pressing service (collected all day and returned within 1 hour) 24-hour laundry service
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1. Wine List 1. Aperitifs餐前酒 Eg: Martini Rossi马丁尼罗士 French Vermouth, Noilly Prat法国味美思 2. Cocktails鸡尾酒 Pink Lady; Bronx: Old Fashioned; Vodka Martini; Million Dollar; Champagne Cocktail
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Personnel Personnel management has been neglected in the past; but now more and more hotels have realized its importance, owing to the following 2 factors: 1. the trend to chain operation has swallowed up many of the independent hotels, and a chain operation can well afford personnel specialists
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1. Jiangguo Hotel Jiangguo Hotel---the first China-Hongkong cooperative hotel; Hongkong fund entered in 1979. Penisula Groups took charge of Jiangguo in1982
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第一章入境 Chapter IEntry 第二章入出境证件检査 Chapter ll Inspection of Entry and Exit Certificates
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一、需求曲线和供给曲线 二、需求弹性和供给弹性 三、蛛网模型(动态模型的一个例子)
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1、名词解释 2、简答题 3、论述题
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对地下水进行开发利用,需要取水工程才能实现,取水工程的任务是从水源地中取 水,送至水厂或用户。它包括水源、取水构筑物、输配水管道
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环境水文地质图有区域性环境水文地质图和地方性环境水文地质图。 8.5.1目的 编制环境水文地质图的目的是为有效地利用管理和保护好地下水资源,防止不良的环境地质问题的产生提供依据
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一.本课程实验的目的 计算机模拟技术具有很强的操作性,上机实验是必不可少的。GPSS语言是基于 DOS环境下,面向过程的专用模拟语言,较其他语言具有许多不同之处,熟练地掌握 GPSS语言的模型编制、程序设计与调试的基本方法是本课程实验的主要内容。通过实 验,学生应掌握利用GPSS语言建立模型、输入数据分析、实验方案设计、实施实验 及输出结果的分析等方面的内容进行工作
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