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Chilled foods represent a large and rapidly developing market with an extremely wide range of food types. Traditionally these were simple meat, poultry, fish and dairy products but recent trends have moved towards a greater variety and more complex products (Stringer and Dennis 2000). As more innovative products are produced, the variety of ingredients have also increased. Many of these ingredients are sourced around the world and relatively little may be known about their
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Chilled foods are foods which are cooled to a temperature above their freezing point and which need to be maintained at that temperature to preserve quality Generally such foods will lose value if frozen, and in many cases freezing will destroy them. From the refrigeration viewpoint, the range of foods regarded as chilled is very wide. In this chapter they are taken to include fresh fruits and vegetables, both temperate and tropical in origin, the whole range of meat, fish
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Raw material selection- fruits and Ⅴ egetables L. Bedford, Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association 1.1 Introduction Fresh fruits and vegetables are utilised in a wide range of chilled products. They may be sold whole, or peeled (for example peeled potatoes and onions)or further prepared(e.g. carrot batons). After washing or further preparation they form ingredients for mixes such as mixed fruit or salad packs or for further
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The only difference between a fat and an edible oil is that at ambient temperature a fat is semi-solid, and appears more or less firm to the touch, and an oil is liquid. They are both of similar general chemical composition. Edible oils are completely different in chemical form to mineral oils that are used as fuels or for lubrication. Most mineral oils are hazardous to human health and should not be even a small
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Sucrose is a medium sized molecule, known as a dissacharide (composed of a unit of dextrose plus a unit of fructose). It is derived from sugar cane or sugar beet which has been refined and crystallised from a concentrated solution. The term sugar is commonly used to refer to sucrose. It is by far the most commonly used type of sugar in the biscuit industry
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Now consider the case of compressive loads and the instability they can cause. Consider only static instabilities (static loading as opposed to dynamic loading [ e.g., flutter) From Unified, defined instability via a system becomes unstable when a negative stiffness overcomes
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We have thus far looked at In-plane loads torsional loads In addition, structures can carry loads by bending. The 2-D case is a plate, the simple 1-d case is a beam. Let's first review what you learned in Unified as Simple Beam Theory
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The logical extension of discrete mass systems is one of an infinite number of masses. In the limit, this is a continuous system. Take the generalized beam-column as a generic representation:
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EXPLANATORY NOTES GENERAL lia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States, thestem Country/area nomenclature and regional groups used in the volume for all living trees has been used for the volume figure Some variation as to the minimum diameter applied is reported The country/area names and order used in these tables follow in ECE/FAO (2000) standard UN practice regarding
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PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR Forests and poverty alleviation his chapter focuses on the role of forests, chapter specifies two types of poverty alleviation particularly natural ones, in poverty associated with forest resources, as seen at the
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