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File Concept Access Methods (访问方式) Directory Structure (目录结构) File System Mounting (文件系统挂载) File sharing (文件共享) Protection
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:589.04KB 文档页数:139
background Contiguous Memory Allocation (连续内存分配) Swapping Paging (分页) Structure of the Page Table Segmentation (分段) Segmentation with paging (段页式)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:466.54KB 文档页数:67
1 Background 2 The Critical-Section Problem (临界区问题) 3 Peterson’s Solution 4 Synchronization Hardware TestAndSet Instruction Swap Instruction 5 Semaphores 6 Classical Problems of Synchronization 7 Monitors 8 Synchronization Examples
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1 Overview 2 Multithreading Models 3 Thread Libraries 4 Threading Issues 5 OS Examples for Thread 6 Thread Scheduling OS Examples for Thread Scheduling
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1 Basic Concepts 2 Scheduling Criteria 3 Scheduling Algorithms 4 Multiple-Processor Scheduling 5 Real-Time Scheduling 6 OS examples 7 Algorithm Evaluation
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6-1 平面四杆机构的基本型式及其演化 6-2 平面四杆机构的基本知识 6-3 平面四杆机构的设计
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中国科学技术大学:《操作系统原理与设计 Operating System》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)01 OS overview
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中国科学技术大学:《操作系统原理与设计 Operating System》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)课程简介(主讲:陈香兰)
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三次方程 求根的Cardan公式: 1、设计一个求立方根的函数
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分布式程序设计的特点 分布式进程 分布式进程迁移
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