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Chronic Renal Insufficiency Pathogen and pathogenesis Manifestation Laboratory examination Diagnosis and differential diagnosis Treatment
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Definition Absent iron-store hemoglobin synthesis↓ A microcytic and hypochromic anemia The most common nutritional anemia
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Bone marrow hematopoiesis failure led by chemicals, radiation, biological factors and unknown etiology. The common clinical presentation is mild to severe pancytopenia
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Definition:A group of neoplastic diseases of lymphoid tissues Classification: Hodgkin′s Disease, HD (Hodgkin′s Lymphoma) Non Hodgkin ′s Lymphoma,NHL) General considerations
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Factors cause diseases: chemicals physical biological psychological chemicals:occupational, non-occupational. physical:occupational, non-occupational
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RF negtive low back pain and stiffness other joints enthesitis familial aggregation
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一、概念 Conception: 病菌侵入胸膜腔,产生脓性渗出液积聚于胸膜腔内称为脓胸
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一、概念 Conception: 病菌侵入胸膜腔,产生脓性渗出液积聚于胸膜腔内称为脓胸
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头皮血肿颅骨骨折 硬膜下血肿 脑内血肿 脑挫裂伤 脑血管疾病影像诊断 颅内动静脉畸形影像学 脑梗塞影像学 脑溢血影像学 脑出血-MRI表现
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