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第十章 国民收入核算 National Income Accountingl 第节宏观经济学概论 第节国民收入核算的指标体系 第三节国民收入核算的基本方法 第四节国民收入核算中的恒等关系
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外部性(externality)的例子: 外部成本( external costs): ①工厂产生的空气污染、污水排泄、废物、噪声。 ②滥伐森林、滥垦山坡地、滥用自然资源。 ③汽车排放的废气、噪声、占领人行道的停车。 ④交通事故的无辜受害者。 ⑤麻将牌声音或音响妨碍邻居安宁。 ⑥游客乱丢垃圾与不小心带来森林火灾。 ⑦在公共场所吸烟或高声谈笑。 ⑧新建高楼挡住附近较低建筑的光线
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(一)、古诺模型双头垄断理论 1、古诺模型的假定 1、市场中只有两个生产者A、B; 2、他们生产的产品是同质的,并且其生产成本都等于0,即MC=0; 3、他们共同面临着一条线性的市场需求曲线; 4、A、B都准确的了解市场需求曲线; 5、A、B都清楚对方的行为,都根据对方的产量调整自己的产量
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本章就是考察决定需求的消费者行为理论,首先研究消费者的个人效用,其次考察消费者的预算约束,在此基础上,进一步阐明消费者的选择问题。 第一节 效用论概述 第二节 基数效用论 一、总效用与边际效用 二、边际效用递减规律 三、消费者均衡 四、边际效用递减规律与需求定律 五、消费者剩余 第三节 无差异曲线分析 第四节 价格变化和收入变化对消费者均衡的影响 第五节 替代效应和收入效应
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一、制度变迁的含义及有关的几个概念 二、制度变迁的主体 三、制度变迁的动力 四、制度变迁的条件 五、制度变迁的方式与路径依赖
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1. To say that someone needs a good is to suggest that he cannot choose to do without the good or buy a substitute for it. We are more likely to be mindful of the fact that almost all goods have substitutes if we speak of wants rather than needs 2. Even though we cannot actually
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1. The principle of increasing opportunity cost, also known as the low-hanging-fruit principle, says that the least costly options should be exploited first, with more costly options taken up only after the least costly ones have been exhausted. At low prices, only those with low opportunity costs of producing the product would find it worthwhile to offer it for sale. As prices
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Chapter 6 presents the supply side of the market using an approach parallel to that of the demand side of the market in Chapter 5. The chapter presents the material in a way that illustrates the second core principle of the textbook, that marginal benefits should equal marginal costs Chapter 5 presents the demand curve as derived from marginal benefit and Chapter 6 presents the supply curve as derived from marginal costs
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PART ONE INTRODUCTION it must also allocate the output of goods and services that they produce. It must decide who will eat caviar and who will eat potatoes. It must decide who will drive a porsche and who will take the bus The management of societys resources is important because resources are scarcity
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Chapter 5 presents the material in a way that illustrates the core principle of the textbook, that marginal benefits should equal marginal costs The chapter presents the demand curve as derived from marginal benefits. Chapter 6 presents the supply curve as derived from marginal costs These two chapters provide the details behind the principle that Mc- MB and give students a solid
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