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1.正确识别各种类型茎 2.正确识别各种类型变态茎 3.区别攀援茎与缠绕茎、匍匐茎和平卧茎 4.茎在外形上与根的区别 5.解释概念:树皮周皮
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病毒性皮肤病是由病毒感染所致的皮肤粘膜病变。根据病毒 性皮肤病的不同临床表现特点,可将其分为新生物型、疱疹 型、红斑发疹型。单纯疱疹是由单纯疱疹病毒感染所致的病 毒性皮肤病。皮疹以群集性小水疱为特征,能引起多种部位 感染,但以口周、鼻腔、生殖器等处好发。病程有自限性
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Welcome to the course, which is an introduction to cultural or sociocultural anthropology We will have two lectures and one discussion a week Most of the requirements (a final exam, series of six papers adding up to about twenty pages; at least an hour a week of discussion)is set by the MIT Humanities Distribution system
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Ethnography 1. INTRO Originally people who studied cultures were amateurs who happened to either be particularly observant or who happened to travel a lot. Some of them did more or less what people did today. a. Ibn Khaldun was a famous Arab scholar who did observations of everyone, including the Vikings
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Anthropology and Moral Relativism Two stories: In 1960's and 70's a prominent Harvard psychologist named Jerome Bruner decided that it would be a good idea to expose young people to some of the concepts of social science, so he developed a curriculum called \Man: A Course
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1、细胞如何从其环境中摄取能量回和还原能力? 2、细胞如何合成其大分子的构造单元? 这些过程是由许多高度整合、相互交织的化学反应来完成的,这些反应总称为代谢
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一、免疫应答的概念 免疫应答(immune response)是指动物机体免 疫系统受到抗原物质刺激后,免疫细胞对抗原分子 的识别并产生一系列复杂的免疫连锁反应和表现出 一定的生物学效应的过程
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第二节 种群的进化与选择 一、基因库和基因频率 二、变异和遗传漂变 三、自然选择模型 四、 两种进化动力的比较 五、自然选择的类型 六、渐变群 七、 物种形成 八、进化对策 第三节 种内关系 第四节 种间相互作用
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第一节 生态系统概论 第二节 生态系统中的初级生产 第三节 生态系统中的次级生产 第四节 生态系统中的分解 第五节 生态系统中的能量流动 第六节 生态系统中的物质循环
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1. As an organizing principle for life a. We tend to think of kin as something natural biological or as having some basis beyond culture i. For example, children reuniting with birth parents b. Kinship is actually highly variable and artificial from one culture to the next
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