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Using Present Value Formulas to value Known Flows The Basic Building Blocks: Pure Discount Bonds Coupon Bonds, Current Yield, and Yield-To-Maturity Reading Bond Listings Why Yields for the Same Maturity Differ The Behavior of Bond Prices over Time
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School of Management About my name About my TA About the course About the requirements 20% assignment class performance 15%mid- term test 65% final test About the book and authors
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Chapter 4 Contents Compounding Perpetual Annuities Frequency of Compounding Loan Amortization Present Value and Exchange Rates and Time Discounting Value of Money Alternative Discounted Inflation and Discounted Cash Flow Decision Rules Cash Flow Analysis Multiple Cash Flows Taxes and Investment Annuities
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一、MDA概述 二、MDA模型 三、MDA的思想 四、基于MDA的开发 五、MDA与中间件和UML
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一、结构化程序的概念 二、程序标记法与流程图 三、程序函数与结构化定理 四、结构化程序设计方法
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一、程序设计方法学的产生 二、程序设计方法学的基本内容 三、本课程的核心内容和目的
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一、CORBA基本概念 二、CORBA基本模型 三、开发工具及程序设计方法
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一、基本概念 二、程序测试的基本方法 三、部分正确性证明方法 四、终止性证明方法
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Chapter 15 Contents How Options Work Investing with Options The Put-Call Parity Relationship Volatility Option Prices Two-State Option Pricing Dynamic Replication the Binomial Model The Black-Scholes model Implied Volatility
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Capital Budgeting Any capital budgeting process consists of three elements: coming up with proposals for investment projects evaluating them -deciding which ones to accept and which to rejec
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