ELECTRONIC NOSE SYSTEMS Odorant molecules Chemical Information CIM Coated Sensor Raw electrical signal Sensor processor Processed electrical signal Signal processor Denoised Electrical signal
Chapter One Introduction Heat: Heat is a kind of energy, Which occurs in the transfer process. (the transferred energy contains the orderly work and disorderly heat) Energy: Concept of energy is used to specify the state of a system in thermodynamics Heat Transfer: kind of application science, is concerned with analysis of the rate of heat transfer taking place in system, or with the research on the heat-transfer reqularity
Summary textbook: Varian, Hal R., 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed. Mas-Colell, A., M. Whinston, and J. Green, 1995, Microeconomics Theory. assignments: twice a week; Team work; Deliver on the class
Goal Develop the Solow Growth Model How much of the economy's output should be consumed today and how much should be saved for the future? Static analysis(Ch. 3)> Dynamic