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HOME BACK FORWARD! PRINT SEARCH EXI INTRODUCTION Major soils of the world ORGANIC SOILS Mineral soils World Reference base for soil resources: atlas
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1 An introduction to biotechnological innovations Industry G. Mijnbeek and C. K. Leach 2 Biocatalyst in organic chemical synthesis R O. Jenkins 3 Efficiency of growth and product formation R.O. Jenkins
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Metabolic pathways and metabolic control mechanisms 5.3 The industrial production of citric acid 5.4 The production of other TCA cycle intermediates 5.5 The industrial production of itaconic acid
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有机食品( Organic Food): 出自生态农业生产系统,生产中不使用化学 农药、施用有机肥、无激素和抗生素、是非 转基因产品,并且经过国家批准的独立的有 机食品认证机构认证
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一、有机化合物与有机化学 有机———有生命的机体中得到的物质 含有C和H—研究碳化物(或碳氰化物 及其衍生物的化学 有些还含氮、氧、磷、卤素一沿用“有机 Organic Chem
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影响土壤比重的因素: 土壤比重仅仅取决于土壤固相颗粒的物质组成。 Since a large portion of most soils is composed of particles derived from quartz minerals, the particle density of most soils is near 2.6 g/cc which is the density of quartz. Variations in the particle density are due to the presence of heavier minerals like iron oxides or lighter organic components
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p.91 3.1 Naming alkenes 1. Name the parent hydrocarbon, find the longest carbon chain that contains the double bond.命名母体
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上海交通大学:《有机化学》教程教学资源(英文讲稿)12 Amines Amines-Organic Nitrogen Compounds
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HOME BACK FORWARD PRINT SEARCHHELPEXIT INTRODUCTION Maior soils of the world ORGANIC SOILS Mineral soils World reference base for soil resources: Atlas
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温州大学:《有机化学 Organic Chemistry》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第八章 有机化合物的波谱分析
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