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一、课程性质 1、课程性质 专业基础课 — 平台课程 (必修课程) 2、背景 《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50068-2001)统一了各类材料的建筑结构的设计基本原则,而在《混凝土结构》、《砌体结构》、《钢结构》等主 干课程中均涉及这方面的内容,重复较多
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14-1静不定结构概述(Instruction about statically indeterminate structure) 14-2用力法解静不定结构(Solving statically indeterminate structure by force method) 14-3对称及反对称性质的应用 (Application about symmetrical and antisymmetrical properties
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8-1组合变形和叠加原理 (Combined deformation and superposition method) 8-2拉伸(压缩)与弯曲的组合 ( Combined axial and flexural loads) 8-3偏心拉(压)截面核心(Eccentric loads &the kern (or core) of a section) 8-4扭转与弯曲的组合 ( Combined torque and flexural loads)
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2-1轴向拉压的概念及实例 (Concepts and examples of axial tension& compression) 2-2内力计算 (Calculation of internal force) 2-3应力及强度条件 (Stress and strength condition)
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12-1非对称弯曲 (Unsymmetrical bending) 12-2开口薄壁杆件的切应力 弯曲中心(Shear stress of open thin-wall members. Flexural center)
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6-1基本概念及工程实例 (Basic concepts and example problems) 6-2挠曲线的微分方程(Differential equation of the deflection curve) 6-3用积分法求弯曲变形 Beam deflection by integration 6-4用叠加法求弯曲变形 (Beam deflections by superposition)
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7-1应力状态概述 (Concepts of stress-state) 7-2平面应力状态分析-解析法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-3平面应力状态分析-图解法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-4三向应力状态分析 (Anolsis of throo dimons stroas stoto)
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10-1 概述 (Instruction) 10-2 动静法的应用 (The application for method of dynamic equilibrium) 10-3 构件受冲击时的应力和变形(Stress and deformation by impact loading)
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附录Ⅰ 截面的几何性质 (Appendix Ⅰ Properties of plane areas) 1-1 截面的静矩和形心(The first moments of the area & centroid of an area) 1-4 转轴公式 (Rotation of axes) 1-2 极惯性矩 惯性矩 惯性积 (Polar moment of inertia Moment of inertia Product of inertia) 1-3平行移轴公式 (Parallel-Axis theorem)
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接触分析 接触问题是一种高度非线性行为,需要较大的计算资源,为了进行实为有效的计算,理 解问题的特性和建立合理的模型是很重要的。 接触问题存在两个较大的难点:其一,在你求解问题之前,你不知道接触区域,表面之 间是接触或分开是未知的,突然变化的,这随载荷、材料、边界条件和其它因素而定;
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