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1 2.1 Process Dynamic Responses 2 2.2 Rational Approximations for Time Delay 3 2.3 Time Domain Performance Indices 4 2.4 Frequency Response Analysis 5 2.5 Transformation of Two Commonly Used Models 6 2.6 Design Requirements and Method Comparison
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1 1.1 A Brief History of Control Theory 2 1.2 Design of Feedback Control Systems 3 1.3 Consideration on Control System Design 4 1.4 What This Book is About 5 References for Reading
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设计了基于数字信号处理器DSP的热连轧自动厚度控制(AGC)实时仿真器,建立了调厚过程压下系统和变形区的动态模型.仿真时,仿真器实时并行地计算带钢和轧机的模型, 计算机控制系统的控制器运行AGC软件,两者通过内存映像网实时交换数据,因此通过虚拟的对象实现了对AGC软件的实时离线调试
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1 8.1 Controller Parameterization for General Plants 2 8.2 H∞ PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 3 8.3 H2 PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 4 8.4 Performance Limitation and Robustness 5 8.5 Maclaurin PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 6 8.6 PID Design for the Best Achievable Performance 7 8.6 All Stabilizing PID Controllers for Unstable Plants
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1 7.1 The Feature of Integrating Systems 2 7.2 H∞ PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 3 7.3 H2 PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 4 7.4 Controller Design for General Integrating Plants 5 7.5 Maclaurin PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 6 7.6 Best Achievable Performance of a PID Controllers
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1 6.1 The Quasi-H∞ Smith Predictor 2 6.2 The H2 Optimal Controller and the Smith Predictor 3 6.3 Equivalents of the Optimal Controller 4 6.4 The PID Controller and High-Order Controllers 5 6.5 Choice of Weighting Functions 6 6.6 Simplified Tuning for Quantitative Robustness
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2.1中厚板轧机的形式及发展趋势 2.2中厚板轧机的布置及中厚板车间 2.3中厚板生产的工艺过程 2.4中厚板的平面形状控制 2.5中厚板组织性能控制 2.6中厚板轧机压下规程设计
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1Z202010 掌握施工成本管理的任务与措施 1Z202020 掌握施工成本计划的编制依据和编制方法 12202030 掌握工程变更价款的确定方法、索赔费用 的组成和计算方法,以及工程结算的方法 1Z202040 掌握施工成本控制和分析的依据和方法
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1 中断概念及处理过程 2 8086的中断系统 3 可编程中断控制器8259A及其应用
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一.测设工作的概念 1.定义:测设,又称放样,是测绘的逆过程。根据待建建、构筑物各特征点与 控制点之间的距离、角度、高差等测设数据,以控制点为根据,将各特征点在 实地桩定出来
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