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北京大学:《中级微观经济学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Indifference curves(主讲:赵耀辉)
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OTHER GOOD Rebating a Consumption tax based on inder RTP initial consumption RTP budget constraint Baseline
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Structure The cost minimization problem Average costs Returns to scale and total and average costs Short run and long run costs
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Structure What causes monopoly Profit-maximizing choices of monopoly Markup pricing Taxing a monopoly Inefficiency of monopoly Natural monopoly (自然垄断)
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Structure Non-collusive moves – Simultaneous moves Quantity competition –Cournot model Price competition – Bertrand model – Sequential moves Quantity leadership – Stakelberg model Price leadership Collusion
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Contents The Edgeworth (艾奇沃斯) Box Pareto improving trade Pareto Efficient Allocation The Core (核心) Trade in a competitive market Walras’ Law of general equilibrium (一般均衡)
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第一节 博弈论和策略行为 第二节 同时博弈:纯策略均衡 第三节 同时博弈:混合策略均衡 第四节 序贯博弈
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第一节 成本的概念 第二节 短期总产量和短期总成本 第三节 短期成本曲线 第四节 长期成本曲线
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Structure Definition Consumption externality Production externality The tragedy of commons
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Information in Competitive Markets In purely competitive markets all agents are fully informed about traded commodities and other aspects of the market. What about markets for medical services, or insurance, or used cars?
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