Now consider the case of compressive loads and the instability they can cause. Consider only static instabilities (static loading as opposed to dynamic loading [ e.g., flutter) From Unified, defined instability via a system becomes unstable when a negative stiffness overcomes
Thus far, we have concentrated on the bending of shell beams. However, in the general case a beam is subjected to axial load. F · bending moments,M · shear forces,S torque(torsional moments)
Thus far have considered only static response. However, things also move, this includes structures Can actually identify three \categories\ of response A.(Quasi)-Static [quasi because the load must first be applied
Thus far have considered separately beam - takes bending loads column -takes axial loads Now combine the two and look at the beam-column (Note: same geometrical restrictions as on others
For a number of cross-sections we cannot find stress functions. However, we can resort to an analogy introduced by Prandtl(1903) Consider a membrane under pressure p, Membrane\. structure whose thickness is small compared to surface
Have considered the vibrational behavior of a discrete system. How does one use this for a continuous structure? First need the concept of..... Influence Coefficients