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一、占先心病20~30%,女性多见 二、成人期最常见的先心病
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一、小儿最常见先心病,占先心病20~25% 二、定义:室间隔的发育不良或发育障碍 三、室间隔缺损分类:
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Definition Bacteremia: Bacteria invade into blood temporarily with flora <100 CFU/ml in blood XSepticemia or Sepsis: Pathogens (bacteria or fungi) invade into blood, proliferate greatly, and release endotoxin XToxemia:
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Overview Definition of Accidental Trauma: Accident, Unexpected, Injuries Physically and/or Psychologically Causes: physical, chemical, and biological factors Main cause of mutilation and death in children globally
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Vitamin D roles Facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus Promote renal reabsorption of phosphorus Direct effect on bone deposition and reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus Maintain calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
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1. Causes Hypoxia Perinatal asphyxia, apnea, respiratory failure, right to left shunt Ischemia Heart arrest, Heart failure, Shock
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Diseases of the Blood in Children Anemias Nutritional anemias (Iron deficiency iron) Hereditary spherocytosis Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency Thalassemia Bleeding disorders(Hemorrhagic diseases) ITP Hemophilia
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Vitamin D roles Facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus Promote renal reabsorption of phosphorus Direct effect on bone deposition and reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus Maintain calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
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