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Diagnosis of Early Pregnancy History and symptoms Amenorrhea The first and the most important symptom emotional tension, chronic disease and certain medications delayed menses lactation, IUD and dysfunction of endocrine→ pregnancy
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Our topics today Uterine prolapse Amenorrhea Dysfunctional uterine bleeding PCOS Infertility Peri-menopause period syndrome
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Labor: the process by which contractions of uterus expel the fetus. Delivery receive the neonate
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One of the commonest gynecological cancers, especially in white Americans, it occurs most often in postmenopausal women (up to 80% cases) with less than 5% diagnosed under 40 years of age
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Synonyms leiomyoma of uterus leiomyomas fibromyomas myofibromas fibroids fibromas myomas
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Introduction Pelvis Pelvic floor External genitalia Internal genitalia Vessel and nerve and lymph Adjacent organs
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一、早产:28周〈37周 二、足月产:37周-〈42周 三、过期产:〉或=42周
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第一节孕妇监护 一、产前检查的时间 二、首次产前检查
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1、熟悉宫颈癌前病变的病理变化。 2、了解宫颈癌的转移途径。 3、掌握宫颈癌的临床分期、早期诊断和治疗原则
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1、了解子宫肌瘤的发生发展与卵巢激素关系 2、熟悉子宫肌瘤的类型、病理特征与变性 3、掌握子宫肌瘤的临床表现、诊断、治疗原则
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