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Electrons surrounding atoms are concentrated into regions of space called atomic orbitals. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the location and the momentum of an atomic particle
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This handout describes how to prepare a standard gas chromatograph sample. It involves preparing a dilute solution of a somewhat volatile compound and using the GC to assess its purity
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教学目标或要求:了解氨基酸的结构,分类,命名。了解多肽结构测定和端基分析。 重点掌握氨基酸的性质和蛋白质的四级结构
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Arenes: Nomenclature Monosubstituted benzene derivatives are names as other hydrocarbons using the following set of rules: 1. Benzene is the parent name; when a benzene ring is a substituent on another chain, it is referred to as a \phenyl\ group
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This handout describes standard extraction and washing protocols that can be applied to virtually any crude reaction mixture. Aqueous washings are done to remove water soluble impurities from organic products since normally the compound that you desire will be dissolved in Reference
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