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Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn’t consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day?
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When Secretary General Hammarskjold’s invitation to address this General Assembly reached me in Bermuda, I was just beginning a series of conferences with the Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of Great Britain and of France. Our subject was some of the problems that beset our world. During the remainder of the Bermuda Conference, I had constantly in mind that ahead of me lay a great honor. That honor is mine today, as I stand here, privileged
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Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens: We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom -- symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning -- signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago. The world is very dif ferent now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same
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President Hatcher, Governor Romney, Senators McNamara and Hart, Congressmen Meader and Staebler, and other members of the fine Michigan delegation, members of the graduating class, my fellow Americans: It is a great pleasure to be here today. This university has been coeducational since
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Concerning Judge Clarence Thomas Mr. Chairman, Senator Thurmond, members of the committee, my name is Anita F. Hill, and I am a professor of law at the University of Oklahoma. I was born on a farm in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, in 1956. I am the youngest of 13 children. I had my early education in Okmulgee County. My father, Albert Hill, is a farmer in that area. My mother's name is Irma Hill. She is also a farmer and a housewife
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This was an emotional day. The ceremonies honoring the fortieth anniversary of D day became more than commemorations. They became celebrations of heroism and sacrifice. This place, Pointe du Hoc, in itself was moving and majestic. I stood there on that windswept point with the ocean behind me. Before me were the boys who forty years before had fought their way up f rom the ocean. Some rested under the white crosses and Stars of David that stret
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Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members of the House, Members of the Senate, my fellow Americans: All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today. The greatest leader of our time has been struck down by the foulest deed of our time. Today, John Fitzgerald Kennedy lives on in the immortal words and works that he left behind. He lives
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When going down the Tigris and Euphrates rivers many years ago with a party of English travelers I found myself under the direction of an old Arab guide whom we hired up at Baghdad, and I have often thought how that guide resembled our barbers in certain mental characteristics. He thought that it was not only his duty to guide us down those rivers, and do what he was paid for doing, but to entertain us with stories curious and weird, ancient and
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Martin Luther King, Jr.: \I Have a Dream\ I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for f reedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames
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这些演讲是讨论美学的;它的对象就是广大的美的领域, 说得更精确一点,它的范围就是艺术,或则毋宁说,就是美 的艺术 对于这种对象,“伊斯特惕克”( sthetik)这个名称实 在是不完全恰当的,因为“伊斯特惕克”的比较精确的意义 是研究感觉和情感的科学。就是取这个意义,美学在沃尔夫 学派之中,才开始成为一种新的科学,或则毋宁说,哲学的 一个部门;在当时德国,人们通常从艺术作品所应引起的愉 快、惊赞、恐惧、哀怜之类情感去看艺术作品。由于“伊斯 特惕克”这个名称不恰当,说得更精确一点,很肤浅,有些 人想找出另外的名称,例如“卡力斯惕克” listik)但 是这个名称也还不妥,因为所指的科学所讨论的并非一般的 美,而只是艺术的美
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