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Chapter 16 Learning Objectives Obtain and interpret the multiple regression equation Make estimates using the regression model: Point value of the dependent variable,y Intervals: Confidence interval for the conditional mean of y Prediction interval for an individual y observation
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Chapter 18-Learning Objectives Describe the trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular components of the time series model Fit a linear or quadratic trend equation to a time series Smooth a time series with the centered moving average and exponential smoothing techniques
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Chapter 20-Learning Objectives Understand the philosophy of total quality management(TQM) Be able to distinguish between defect prevention and defect detection strategies for the management of qualit Be able to distinguish random variation from assignable variation Understand the fundamentals of statistical process control charts
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Chapter 19- Learning Objectives Express a decision situation in terms of decision alternatives, states of nature, and payoffs. Differentiate between non-Bavesian and Bavesian decision criteria. Determine the expected payoff for a decision alternative. Calculate and interpret the expected value of perfect information
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Chapter 17-Learning Objectives Build polynomial regression models to describe curvilinear relationships Apply qualitative variables representing two or three categories Use logarithmic transforms in constructing exponential and multiplicative models Identify and compensate for multicollinearity Apply stepwise regression
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Chapter 13-Learning objectives Explain the nature of the chi-square distribution Apply the chi-square distribution to Goodness-of-fit tests Tests of independence between 2 variables Tests comparing proportions from multiple populations Tests of a single population variance o 2002 The Wadsworth Group
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l Chapter 1-Key terms Collection, summarization, analysis, and reporting of numerical findings Statistics-Two Usages A. The study of statistics B. Statistics as reported sample measures
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第一节综合评价概述 第二节评价指标的选择与数据处理的方法 第三节权重的确定与评价结果的综合
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第一节方差分析的基本问题 第二节单因素方差分析 第三节双因素方差分析
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第一节假设检验概述 第二节总体参数检验 第三节非参数检验
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