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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 11 Land, People and History of Ireland
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 09 The British Media
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 07 British Education System
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 05 The UK Economy
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 03 The Government of the United Kingdom
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 01 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅰ
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大连理工大学:《英语国家社会与文化》课程教学资源(PPT课件)U2 The United States of America
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John Foster/Masterfile Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories The Mackenzie River, in the Northwest Territories, is Canada's largest river system. This photo shows the delta region, where oil and natural gas deposits are located
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Australia-the Great South Land(session 1)
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a Bird's-eye view of the Maple leafland Canada Figures and facts Economy and Geography Natural wonders Maple leaf express
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