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3.1 Introduction Vitamins are classically defined as a group of organic compounds required in very small amounts for the normal development and functioning of the body. They are not synthesised by the body, or only in insufficient amounts, and are mainly obtained through food (Machlin and Huni, 1994). There are thirteen vitamins: four are fat-soluble, namely vitamins A (retinol)
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4.1 Introduction Minerals are the inorganic elements, other than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which remain behind in the ash when food is incinerated. They are usually divided into two groups – macrominerals and microminerals (or trace elements). The terms are historical in origin and originated at a time when the development of analytical equipment was still in its infancy and ‘trace’ was used to refer to components whose presence could be detected, but not quantified. Modern analytical equipment that allows determination of elements
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Frying, especially deep fat frying, has become the most popular food prepara￾tion technology during the last five decades. The reason is that the preparation is easy even for less experienced cooks, the procedure is rapid, and the finished product is highly palatable. In the frying procedure, fat is the medium of heat transfer. Two main frying methods exist, namely shallow frying and deep frying
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A. Trichopoulou and A. Naska, University of Athens 2.1 Introduction Documenting and monitoring dietary patterns are priorities in nutritional epi￾demiology, in the planning of national food and nutrition policies and in the evaluation of nutrition education strategies. Early efforts in documenting dietary patterns were focused on identifying the specific nutrients that may be respon￾sible for effects on people’s health, but recently research has expanded towards studying patterns of food intake. Food data are often derived from:
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一、食品化学研究的内容 食品化学是用化学的理论和方法研究食品本质的科学,是食品科学,也可以说是应用化学的一个重要分支。它通过对食品的营养价值、质量、安全性和风味 特征的研究,阐明食品的组成、性质、特征、结构和功能,以及食品成分在贮藏 加工过程中的化学和生物化学变化,乃至食品成分与人体健康和疾病的相关性
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食品在加工、贮藏过程中,经常会发生褐、红、蓝、绿、黄等各种变色现象,本质上都是酶促或非酶 促化学反应的结果。其中最普遍、最重要的是褐变。在面包、糕点、咖啡等食品的焙烤过程中,褐变产生 诱人的焦黄色和特征香气;而在水果、蔬菜加工、贮藏过程中,褐变则影响外观、降低营养价值和风味等
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一、水的功能 1水在食品工艺学方面的功能 a从食品理化性质上讲,水在食品中起着溶解分散蛋白质、淀粉等说溶性成分的作用,使它们形成溶液或凝胶。 b从食品质地方面讲,水对食品的鲜度、硬度、流动性、呈味、耐贮性和加工适应性都具有重要的影响。 c从食品安全性讲,水是微生物繁殖的必需条件。 d从食品工艺的角度讲,水起着膨润、浸透、均匀化等功能
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第二章水分 一、水的功能 1水在食品工艺学方面的功能 a从食品理化性质上讲,水在食品中起着溶解分散蛋白质、淀粉等说溶性成分的作用, 使它们形成溶液或凝胶。 b从食品质地方面讲,水对食品的鲜度、硬度、流动性、呈味、耐贮性和加工适应性都 具有重要的影响。 c从食品安全性讲,水是微生物繁殖的必需条件。 d从食品工艺的角度讲,水起着膨润、浸透、均匀化等功能
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草产品学是草业科学专业的一门重要专业课。系统讲授青贮饲料、青干草、草粉草 块、叶蛋白等草产品的加工贮藏原理和方法,介绍常见草地资源植物在食品工业、工业原 料、医药工业等方面的开发和利用。其主要目的是以保持和提高饲草料的营养价值,特别 是以尽量减少青绿饲料加工贮藏过程中的损失为基本理论,研究饲草料以加工贮藏技术为 重点,同时涉及其他一些饲草料的加工贮藏方法。目的是为饲养业提供优质的饲料
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