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An Introduction to Regional Economics Edgar M. Hoover and Frank Giarratani 1.1 WHAT IS REGIONAL EC f changes that take place in these systems are of imately the social and political fabric of serve. For some people that reaction is ustmen
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Introduction Besides taxation, the government's' other major revenue source is borrowing. In this lesson, we will: Discuss problems with measuring size of debt Who bears the burden of the debt When is borrowing a suitable way to finance government expenditure
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Introduction A corporation is a form of business organization in which ownership is usually represented by transferable stock certificates -Stockholders have limited liability Corporations are independent legal entities · Can make contracts, hold property, incur debt, sue, and be sued
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS II INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Companies(and individuals) invest money in order to earn money Examples Build a factory to make washing machines and dryers → Open laundromat Write novel(what is being invested here?) Get a degree in chemical engineering
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主要内容 农业在经济发展中的地位和作用 发展中国家农业发展的停滞及其原因 ■对传统农业的改造及农业的可持续发展
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主要内容 ■二元结构 ■刘易斯模型 拉尼斯———费景汉模型 托达罗模型
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主要内容 ■资本及资本形成 ■资本形成在经济发展中的重要性 资本形成的国内来源 ■发展中国家的信贷市场及其发展战略
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主要内容:什么是技术进步 ■技术进步对经济发展的作用 发展中国家技术进步的主要途径 发展中国家的技术选择 ■补充:技术扩散模型与诱致性技术变迁理论
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■对外贸易对经济发展的影响 ■发展中国家对外贸易的现状 发展中国家的对外贸易发展战略 ■发展中国家发展对外贸易的共同努力
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主要内容 ■引言:为什么要研究收入分配问题 收入分配与收入分配不平等 收入分配与经济增长 贫困问题 ■发展中国家的收入分配战略
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