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§5.1GPS定位的方法与观测量 1定位方法分类 按参考点的不同位置划分为: (1)绝对定位(单点定位):在地球协议坐标系中,确定观测站相对地球质心的位置
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一、GPS的定义及历史 1.定义 全球定位系统GPS(Global Positioning System),是一种可以授时和测距的空间交会定 点的导航系统,可向全球用户提供连续、实时、 高精度的三维位置,三维速度和时间信息
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第一节观测数据的测后处理过程 数据处理流程;数据处理要求。 第二节 Ashtech Locus数据处理软件的操作方法 本软件对采集的GPS外业数据进行传输、倒入参数设定、基线解算、平差结算的 操作流程
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Styles of kinematic GPS Kinematic GPS techniques go by a number of names with features that are often receiver specific Kinematic GPS: Early term which implies that there is no loss of lock while the receiver is moving. In survey mode, if loss of ock occurs the antenna must be returned to a point of know ocation
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GPS Groups/Gs There are many international and national groups involved in the deployment of GPS The international organization is the International GPs Service(IGs)
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GPS Observables Today's class we start discussing the nature of GPS observables and the methods used to make range and phase measurements Start with idea of remotely measuring distances
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This is a Geodetic Control Test Field located at L Radial Surveying( Cartwheel): Madison County, Central Ohio. lial Surveys: one receiver at a fixed 2 Madison County High Altitude Test Range site, and measuring lines from this fixed
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1.1 Terminology Definitions 3. Point Positioning ys. Relative positioning The coordinates of a single point are determined when 1. Code Range vs, Carrier Phase Code measurements(meter level) Carrier phase measurements(millimeter range). Single point positioning
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第一节GPS定位误差的分类 一般按来源分类: 一、与卫星有关的误差; 二、与信号传播有关的误差; 三、与接收设备有关的误差; 四、其它误差
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Perigee and Apogee: The point of closest approach of the satellite with respect to the earth's center of mass is called perigee and the most distant position is the apogee. Nodes: The intersection between the equatorial and the nit sphere is termed the nodes, where the ascending node defines the northward
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