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第一节小组工作的定义 一、什么是小组工作 “小组工作”一词是Social groupwork直译过来的。“小组工作”含义主要指社会工作者通过群体的组织动员和群体活动发挥服务对象的潜能,解决人们面临的问题和改善其生活质量。 二、小组工作的特征 1、小组是由组员和工作者组成的关系体系。 2、小组工作是在互动过程中,通过彼此分享、分担、支持、教育、治疗等小组动力,带来组员态度和行为的改变
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常用的经济计量软件 EViews (Econometric Views) RATS (Regression Analysis of Time Series) SAS (Statistical Analysis System) SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) TSP
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SCI Expanded网络数据库可通过 ISI Web of Science进行检索。Web of Science中包 括三种引文数据库(CITATION DATABASE):艺术与人文引文索引(rts&Humanities Citation Index),科学引文索引扩展(Science Citation Index Ecpanded)和社会科学引文索引 (Social Science Citation Index).进入 Web of Science后选 SCI Expanded数据库 SCI Expanded数据库提供两种检索模板,一种是简易检索(EASY SEARCH),另一种 是全面检索(FULL SEARCH)
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Anthropology and Moral Relativism Two stories: In 1960's and 70's a prominent Harvard psychologist named Jerome Bruner decided that it would be a good idea to expose young people to some of the concepts of social science, so he developed a curriculum called \Man: A Course
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College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin300071) Abstract: This paper summed up the Course and the achievement of Chinese promoting Cleaner Production. It emphasized the creativity of mechanism of Chinas CP development in future, include to bring CP into its Social-Economical Development Program, to encourage local governments to promote CP, to encourage departments to support CP, etc Key Words: Cleaner Production, pollution control, sustainable development, creativity of mechanism
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Lecture 7 Tourism and Sustainable Development Tourism is the world's largest industry(WTTC et al., 1995). It employs approximately one in nine workers worldwide, comprising 6% of global gross national product (GNP) and, it has been seen as a panacea for solving many social problems and for driving economic growth
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disrespected) social class: \the clones\. One expert believes the situation could be comparable to what occurred in the 16th century, when Europeans puzzled over how to classify the unfamiliar inhabitants of the Americas, and endlessly debated whether or not they were humans
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This part deals with the basic elements of property law. I begin in chapter by examining the fundamental question of what justifies the social institution of property, that is, the rationale for the rights that constitute what we commonly call ownership. I also discuss examples of the emergence of property rights Then I consider a number of important issues about property rights. In chapter 8, I inquire about the division of property rights(property rights may be divided contemporaneously, over time, and according to contingency). In chapter
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Content 1. summary of last article 2. exchange writing activity 3. a brief introduction of types of essays 4. Writing Is a process 5. writing is a social act 6.Task: write a story about yourself to your classmates
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Preventive and clinical medicine s Protect and promote children as follows: 1. physical and psychosocial health 2. social adaptive abilities
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