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◆ 11.1 软件实现概述 ◆ 11.2 程序设计语言与集成开发环境 ◆ 11.3 程序设计方法 ◆ 11.4 程序设计风格 ◆ 11.5 程序效率
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一、软件维护 二、软件项目管理 三、软件能力成熟度模型
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RUN-Time Organization Compiler phase- Before writing a code generator, we must decide how to marshal the resources of the target machine (instructions, storage, and system software) in order to implement the source
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计算机英语试题答案 一、词汇(选择一个最合适的词汇,将对应的英文字母填入空格内。每题1分,共10 分) 1, B refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. A. Software B. Hardware C. Hardship D. Instruction
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Beating the Averages Paul Graham (This article is based on a talk given at the Franz Developer in Cambridge, MA, on March 25, 2001 In the summer of 1995, my friend rt morris and i started a startup called Viaweb. Our pla to write software that would let end users build online stores. What was novel about this
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Requirements specification: A structured document that sets out the services the system is expected to provide Should be precise so that it can act as a contract between the system procurer and software developer and thus needs to be understandable by procurers and developers
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Interactive Complexity Complexity is a moving target The underlying factor is intellectual manageability 1. A simple\system has a small number of unknowns in its interactions within the system and with its environment 2. A system is intellectually unmanageable when the level of interactions reaches the point where they cannot be thoroughly
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Chapter 3: Client Software Design Chapter goal: Algorithm and issues Concurrency in client Client examples
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Client-Server Model Software Design Concurrent Processing CSIE, NTUT, TAIWAN
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