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提出了一种面向网络长文本的话题检测方法.针对文本表示的高维稀疏性和忽略潜在语义的问题,提出了Word2vec&LDA(latent dirichlet allocation)的文本表示方法.将LDA提取的文本特征词隐含主题和Word2vec映射的特征词向量进行加权融合既能够进行降维的作用又可以较为完整的表示出文本信息.针对传统话题发现方法对长文本输入顺序敏感问题,提出了基于文本聚类的Single-Pass&HAC(hierarchical agglomerative clustering)的话题发现方法,在引入时间窗口和凝聚式层次聚类的基础上对于文本的输入顺序具有了更强的鲁棒性,同时提高了聚类的精度和效率.为了评估所提出方法的有效性,本文从某大学社交平台收集了来自真实世界的多源数据集,并基于此进行了大量的实验.实验结果证明,本文提出的方法相对于现有的方法,如VSM(state vector space model)、Single-Pass等拥有更好的效果,话题检测的精度提高了10%~20%
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I. Word Study II. Phrases and Expressions III.Word Building IV. Grammar
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 I. Denotative Meaning & Associative Meaning  1. Denotative meaning:  (also known as conceptual meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the word meaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same denotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language
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It should first be pointed out that there are two kinds of stress: word stress and sentence stress. The former is concerned with the stressing of individual words of two or more syllables when they are pronounced in isolation
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Meaning of Money As the word money is used in everyday conversation, it can mean many things, but to economists, it has a very specific meaning. To avoid confusion, we must clarify how economists’ use of the word money. Economists define money (money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. 货币(货币供应)定义为在商品和劳务或债务偿 还中被普遍接受的任何东西
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3.1Word2000概述 3.2文档的基本操作 3.3文档的编辑 3.4字符格式设置 3.5文档的排版 3.6制作表格 3.7图形 3.8页面排版与打印文档
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3.1 Word 2000概述 3.2 文档的基本操作 3.3 文档的排版 3.4 表格 3.5 高级排版操作 3.6 邮件合并
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一、Word 字处理软件概述 二、文档的基本操作 三、文档的排版、样式与模板 四、表格 五、高级排版操作 六、应用程序间的数据共享
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Part 1 The importance of phonetic study 1)Phonetics is the science of speech sounds. It deals with the sound system of a language. A language consists of three important elements, namely, speech sounds, vocabulary and grammar. Speech sound is the material form on which word and grammar rely for existence. Divorced from speech sound, word and grammar are non-existent. So the first
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安装 Ofifce 或 Word 组件共有 3 种类型,分别是典型安装、首次使用时安装的组件和尚未安装的组件(使用“自定义”安装)
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