Production: Vermedia (Lisbon), Cooperativa Arco-Íris (Bissau), Eurocréation Production (Paris), and Rádiotelevisão Portuguesa (Lisbon); color, 35mm; running time: 90 minutes. Released 1992. Producer: Paulo de Sousa; screenplay: Flora Gomes, Ina Césair
Definition Cyanosis refers to bluish(带蓝色的 带青色的) color of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from an increased quantity of reduced hemoglobin(亚铁血 红蛋白;还原血红蛋白),orof hemoglobin derivatives, in the small blood vessels of those areas. It is usually most marked in the lips, nail beds(甲床),ears, and malar (颧骨的;颊的) eminences
Across 1. A metal used in batteries but not pencils 2. This element is found in the most odorous compounds 3. Its aqueous 2+ ion has a characteristic blue color 4. Bananas are rich in its cation 5. The noble gas with the second-lowest densi 6. Its hydride is the most common basic gas