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Input devices are those portions of computer, data processing, and information systems that perform the essential function of providing some means for entering commands and data into the system. Therefore, input devices are found in all such systems, but are treated here as a separate equipment group, independent of the
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The true language of computers is a stream of 1s and 0s—bits. Everything in the computer, be it numbers or text or program, spreadsheet or database or 3-D rendering, is nothing but an array of bits. The meaning of the bits is in the “eye of the beholder”; it is determined entirely by context. Bits are not a useful medium for human consumption. Instead, we insist that what we read be formatted spatially and presented
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Positional and Polynomial Representations • Unsigned Binary Number System • Unsigned Binary-Coded Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Octal Systems • Conversion between Number Systems • Signed Binary Numbers • Floating-Point Number Systems 86.2 Computer Arithmetic Number Representation • Algorithms for Basic Arithmetic
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Integration.Smart/Optical Cards Matthew e. Baretich 117.2 Hospital Information Systems niversity of Colorado The Clinical Environment Healthcare Codes and Standards 117.1 Clinical Information Systems Luis Kun The main objective of this section is to provide the reader with a summary of areas that relate to clinical
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66.1 Generators Tianjing University AC Generators. DC Generators Donald Galler 66.2 Motors Motor Applications Motor Analysis Massachusetts Institute 66.3 Small Electric Motors of Technology Single Phase Induction Motors. Universal Motors.Permanent Elias G.Strangas Magnet AC Motors.Stepping Motors Michigan State University
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5.1 Diodes and Rectifiers DiodesRectifiers Jerry L. Hudgins 5.2Limiters University of South carolina Limiting Circuits. Precision Rectifying Circuits Theodore. Bogart, Jr. 5.3 Distortion Harmonic Distortion.Power-Series Method.Differential-Error University of Southern Mississippi Method Three- Point Method. Five-Point Method
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devices the techniques were tailored to gate networks of the type described above. The term gate was already in use in the forties to denote the logical elements discussed earlier. There are very many good references on Boolean algebra and we may quote only a selected few of them. Suffice it to mention the texts by Hill and Peterson [1974], Kohavi [1978], and Hohn [1966]. These books give
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Introduction A Brief History of CACSD Technological Developments. User Interfaces. CACSD Packages of Note 112. 3 The State of the Art in CACSD Consolidation of CACSD. A critique of Matrix Environments for C. Magnus Rimvall CACSD·“ Open Systems\· Other Desirable Features 112.4 CACSD Block-Diagram Tools Christopher P Jobling Basic Block-Diagram System Representations. Architectures of Block-Diagram Syster
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第9章半导体传感器 9.1气敏传感器 9.2湿敏传感器 9.3色敏传感器 9.4半导体式传感器的应用
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第一讲 绪论 第二讲 组成及规范 第三讲 信道 第四讲 基带传输 第五讲 载波传输 第六讲 信源编码 第七讲 信道编码 第八讲 多址1 第九讲 多址2 第十讲 抗衰落 第十一讲 抗干扰 第十二讲 无线网络及系统 第十三讲 新技术及新应用1 第十四讲 新技术及新应用2 第十五讲 总复习 第十六讲 考试
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