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Must choose routes for various origin destination pairs(O/D pairs) or for various sessions - Datagram routing: route chosen on packet by packet basis Using datagram routing is an easy way to split paths Virtual circuit routing: route chosen a session by session basis Static routing: route chosen in a prearranged way based on O/D pairs Eytan Modiano
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Automatic Repeat ReQuest(ARQ) When the receiver detects errors in a packet, how does it let the transmitter know to re-send the corresponding packet? Systems which automatically request the retransmission of missing packets or packets with errors are called ARQ systems Three common schemes Stop Wait
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221并行口 1选通(STROBE低电平) 10确认(ACKNLG低电平) 2数据位0(DATAO)11忙(BSY) 3数据位1(DATA1)12却纸(PE) 4数据位2(DAT2)13选择(LCT)
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Programming Languages · Control Conditionals Functions function calls Threads Data Scalars: booleans, numbers, strings Records/ structures Classes, types sept.8.2003
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Satellite communications Architecture Identify Requirements Specify architectures Determine link data rates Design Size each link Document your rationale
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Overview Spacecraft data processing requires microcomputers and interfaces that are functionally similar to desktop systems However, space systems require: - Low power, volume, and mass High reliability and fault tolerance
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《OFDM技术开发系列》(英文版) Beyond 3G Wideband wireless data access based on OFDM and dynamic packet assignment
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Slide 12.1.1 In the last lecture, we introduced mutation as a component of 6001s|cP our data structures We saw for example that set was a Environment mode way of changing the value associated with a variable in our system, and we saw that set-car! and set-cdr! were ways of changing the values of parts of list structure Now, several important things happened when we introduced
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 10.1 Slide 1o.1.1 Table: a set of bindings Over the past few lectures, we have introduced the concepts of data abstractions, types and aggregate structures. In this lecture
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二叉树的建立 建立二叉树的过程是一个“插入”过程,下面我们用 个例子来讲解这一过程。 我们想建立这样一棵二叉树,树中的每一个结点有 个整数数据名为data,有两个指针:左指针L,右指 针R,分别指向这个结点的左子树和右子树,显然可 以用如下名为TREE的结构来描述这种结点:
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