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1.反常积分概念的引入 2无穷积分的定义 3.瑕积分的定义
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Introduction The notion of subgame perfection is the cornerstone of the theory of extensive games. It embodies its key intuitions-and provides a vivid example of the difficulties inherent in such a theor But, above all, it has proved to be extremely profitable in a variety of applications. More- over, it has spawned a huge theoretical literature which has attempted(often successfully
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报业集团在中国是乍然兴起,在西方发达国家却早已遍地开花,尤以美国报业集团的形成和发展为 代表。 一、集团化发展由来已久 在美国新闻界,报业集团有多种表示,如报系(CHAINS)、报团(GROUP)、报业公司(NEWSPAPERS) 等,这些都在中国早期的新闻译著上被引用过。为方便理解,这里统一采用国内当前习惯的用法“报业 集团”。 美国报业集团的雏形,始于1794年,距美国第一家日报的诞生仅11年之遥,而且诞生地也在宾州的费 城
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§11.1 施工测量概述 §11.2 测设的基本内容和方法 §11.3 施工控制网 §11.4 建筑施工测量 §11.5 线路测量 §11.6 竣工测量与竣工图的编绘
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In general, display cabinets have to accommodate three types of meat and meat products: (1)chilled wrapped, (2) chilled unwrapped and (3)frozen wrapped products. The required display life and consequent environmental conditions for wrapped chilled products differ from those for unwrapped products. The desired chilled display life for wrapped meat and meat prod- ucts ranges from a few days to many weeks and is primarily limited by microbiological considerations. Retailers of unwrapped meat and deli
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Why New Products Fail “ Over Championing” Overestimated demand Poor Design Poor Marketing execution High development Costs Strong Competitive Reaction C2000 Prentice Hall
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Three Measures of a Project's Risk Project Standing Alone risk
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一、全耦合变压器 1.耦合系数:中21=11,12=2
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2-1平面应力问题与平面应变问题 2-2平衡微分方程 2-3斜面上的应力主应力 2-4几何方程刚体位移 2-5物理方程 2-6边界条件 2-7圣维南原理 2-8按位移求解平面问题 2-9按应力求解平面问题。相容方程 2-10常体力情况下的简化 2-11应力函数逆解法与半逆解法
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