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There is generally a higher degree of uncertainty regarding the future benefits that may be derived. Their value is subject to wider fluctuations because it may depend to a considerable extent on competitive conditions
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1. Classifications of inventory Intermediate Accounting 7 Inventories Inventories are the assets of a company which are :
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1. Conceptual overview and uses of the Statement of Cash Flows Intermediate Accounting 5 The Statement of Cash Flows A statement of cash flows is a financial statement of a company that shows the cash inflows, cash outflows, and net change in cash from its operating, investing, and financing activities during an accounting period, in a manner that reconciles the company's beginning and ending cash balances
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An item of information to be recognized as an element (i.e. formally recorded and reported in the body of the financial statements), an item must
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一、Course nature and objective 二、 Teaching methods 三、 Test requirements and form 四、 Scoring system 五、Brief contents
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从本章开始,介绍市场预测的有关内容。市场预测是在市场调查的基础上开展的,是 对未来市场的预计和估计。市场预测的类型、市场预测方法的种类都很多,将在其后各章 中加以介绍
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市场现象时间序列的一种重要变动规律,就是长期趋势变动,它存在于许多市场现象之 中。对下场现象的趋势变动进行研究,是市场预测的重要任务之一。在市场预测法中,趋势 延伸市场预测法是专门用来研究市场现象趋势变动规律的一类方法。直线趋势延伸法,是研 究市场现象趋势变动的最基本的方法之一
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导体:自然界中很容易导电的物质称为导体, 金属一般都是导体。 绝缘体:有的物质几乎不导电,称为绝缘体, 如橡皮、陶瓷、塑料和石英。 半导体:另有一类物质的导电特性处于导体和 绝缘体之间,称为半导体,如锗、硅、 砷化镓和一些硫化物、氧化物等
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一、概念 时间序列市场预测法,是一种重要的定量预测方法。 1、时间序列预测法的定义 时间序列预测法是根据市场现象的历史资料,运用科学的数学方法建立预测模型,使市场现象的数量向未来延伸,预测市场现象未来的发展变化趋势,预计或估计市场现象未来表现的数量。时间序列市场预测法又称历史延伸法或趋势外推法
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《市场调查与预测 Marketing Research》课程教学资源(习题)第十一章 习题
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