文档格式:PPT 文档大小:4.62MB 文档页数:137
Gene,5/e--- Watson et al.(2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:966KB 文档页数:45
2.1 Introduction We can think about mapping genes and genomes at several levels of resolution: A genetic (or linkage) map identifies the distance between mutations in terms of recombination frequencies. A linkage map can also be constructed by measuring recombination between sites in genomic DNA
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分子生物学 Molecular Biology Zhao WANG (王钊), M.D./Pharm.D. School of Life Science Tsinghua University
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29.1 Introduction 29.2 Fly development uses a cascade of transcription factors 29.3 A gradient must be converted into discrete compartments 29.4 Maternal gene products establish gradients in early embryogenesis 29.5 Anterior development uses localized gene regulators
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11.1 Introduction 11.2 Lytic development is divided into two periods 11.3 Lytic development is controlled by a cascade 11.4 Functional clustering in phages T7 and T4 11.5 Lambda immediate early and delayed genes are needed for both lysogeny and the lytic cycle
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10.1 Introduction 10.2 Regulation can be negative or positive 10.3 Structural gene clusters are coordinately controlled 10.4 The lac genes are controlled by a repressor 10.5 The lac operon can be induced 10.6 Repressor is controlled by a small molecule inducer
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19.1 Introduction 19.2 The nucleosome is the subunit of all chromatin 19.3 DNA is coiled in arrays of nucleosomes 19.4 Nucleosomes have a common structure 19.5 DNA structure varies on the nucleosomal surface
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15.1 Introduction 15.2 Insertion sequences are simple transposition modules 15.3 Composite transposons have IS modules 15.4 Transposition occurs by both replicative and nonreplicative mechanisms
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Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E -- Watson et al. (2004) Part I: Chemistry and Genetics Part: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:9.1MB 文档页数:95
Expression of many genes in cells are requlated Housekeeping genes expressed constitutively, essential for basic processes involving in cell replication and growth. Inducible genes expressed only when they are activated by inducers or cellular factors
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