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8.1 Introduction 8.2 Chaperones may be required for protein folding 8.3 Post-translational membrane insertion depends on leader sequences 8.4 A hierarchy of sequences determines location within organelles 8.5 Signal sequences initiate translocation 8.6 How do proteins enter and leave membranes? 8.7 Anchor signals are needed for membrane residence 8.8 Bacteria use both co-translational and post-translational translocation 8.9 Pores are used for nuclear ingress and egress 8.10 Protein degradation by proteasomes
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7.1 Introduction 7.2 Codon-anticodon recognition involves wobbling 7.3 tRNA contains modified bases that influence its pairing properties 7.4 (There are sporadic alterations of the universal code) 7.5 tRNAs are charged with amino acids by synthetases 7.6 Accuracy depends on proofreading 7.7 Suppressor tRNAs have mutated anticodons that read new codons 7.8 The accuracy of translation 7.9 tRNA may influence the reading frame
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transfer RNA is the adapter 5.3 Messenger RNA is translated by ribosomes 5.4 The life cycle of bacterial messenger RNA 5.5 Translation of eukaryotic mRNA 5.6 The 5 end of eukaryotic mRNA is capped 5.7 The 3 terminus is polyadenylated 5.8 Bacterial mRNA degradation involves multiple enzymes
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Gene clusters are formed by duplication and divergence Sequence divergence is the basis for the evolutionary clock Pseudogenes are dead ends of evolution Unequal crossing-over rearranges gene clusters Genes for rRNA form tandem repeats ( The repeated genes for rRNA maintain constant sequence) Crossover fixation could maintain identical repeats Satellite DNAs often lie in heterochromatin Arthropod satellites have very short identical repeats Mammalian satellites consist of hierarchical repeats Minisatellites are useful for genetic mapping
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7.1 真核生物的基因结构与转录活性 7. 2 真核基因的转录 7. 3 反式作用因子 7. 4 真核基因转录调控的主要模式 7. 5 其他水平上的基因调控
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• 分子生物学和医学分子生物学研 究的主要内容 • 分子生物学的历史 • 分子生物学在医学上的应用 • Nucleic acids DNA Structures &functions RNA Structures &functions • Proteins • Interaction between biopolymer protein-protein interaction DNA-protein interaction
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6. 1 原核基因表达调控总论 6. 2 乳糖操纵子与负控诱导系统 6. 3 色氨酸操纵子与负控阻遏系统 6. 4 其他操纵子 6. 5 固氮基因调控 6. 6 转录后调控
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DNA是遗传物质 DNA为双螺旋 DNA的复制是半保留的 通过碱基配对进行核酸杂交 突变改变了DNA的序列 突变集中于热点 顺反子是单个DNA片断 多重等位基因的种类
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第一节 免疫系统和免疫球蛋白 第二节 免疫球蛋白基因的重组和体细胞突变 第三节 免疫球蛋白重链恒定区基因 第四节 T细胞抗原受体基因
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一、真核基因表达调控的特点 二、真核细胞基因表达调控的不同层次 三、染色体水平上的调控 主要有: 染色质结构 DNA在染色体上的位置 基因拷贝数的变化 基因重组 基因扩增 基因丢失 基因重排 DNA修饰
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