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一、选择题体本大题1题每题分共20分 1、用一高锰酸钾溶液分别滴定体积相等的F和溶液消耗的体积相等则说明两溶液的物质的量的浓度的关系是
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A cosine voltage is zero and increasing at t=-1 6ms; the next zero crossing occurs at t 4.65ms. (a)Calculate T, f, and @.(b) If v(0)=20V, find v(t).(c)By what angle does v(t) I(t)=5cos(t-110°)A? 2 For the sinusoidal waveform shown in
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I Let L= 1.25 H in Fig. 6-11, and determine v(t)if v(0) 1(02)=20A L 0.05F ig 6-11 For prob. I 2(a)What value of L in the circuit of Fig 6-11 will result in a transient response of the form, v(t)
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In this lecture we will look at some applications of Newton's second law, expressed in the different coordinate systems that were introduced in lectures D3-D5. Recall that Newton's second law F=ma, (1) is a vector equation which is valid for inertial observers. In general, we will be interested in determining the motion of a particle given
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一、判断题(20分=1X20)正确写T,错误写F表示在小题后用一个应用程序,都只可有一个的对应的快捷方式。 1.MiP是运算速度的单位,其含义是指计算机每钟执行多少百万条指令
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一、y=f(x)型的微分方程 这种方程通过n次积分可得通解,微分方程右端(n-1)仅含有自变量x,容易看出,只要把y作为新的未知函数那么方程就是新未知数的一阶微分方程,两边积分得到一个n-1阶的微分方程
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令R代表所有m个实数x=(x2,…,x)组成的空 间,x也称为Rm的点.x(i=1,2,…,m)称为x点的坐 标.在R的任两点x与y之间可以引进一度量 |x-y={(x-y)2+…+(xm-ym)2,(111) 称为欧氏度量.于是可由此定义Rm的一拓扑 设V是R中的开集,映照fV→把V映入R的 一子集.设x∈V映为∈V,表示为 x→=f(x) 于是x的坐标x与x的坐标x(a=1,…,n)之间有一函 数关系:
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5.10.1水准标尺每米长度误差的改正 ◆∑f·∑h 5.10.2正常水准面不平行的改正 ◆=A·H(),为第i个测段
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一、计算题(每题6分,共12分) 1、求矢量方程的导矢F(t),其中r(t)=asinti+bsintj+ccostk. 2、求曲线x=asin2t,y=asin2t,z= cost(>0)在t=处的切向单位矢量
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Our task How to estimate and test discount factor model. Ep,=E(m (data 1, parameter)) 1. Bring an asset pricing model to data to estimate free parameters. For example, parameter,yinm=B(c+1/c)-y Or the b in m=b f 2. Evaluate the model, is it a good model or not? Is another model better?
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