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(一)内容及时间分配 消化系统的结构与功能15°(包括肝脏) 消化系统常见疾病的表现:15 空腔脏器:炎症、、肿瘤、功能紊乱 (出血、梗阻、穿孔、---)
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Characteristics of Digestive System Taking in energy sources Digestion energy tissue absorptionwaste Numerous organs
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Upper respiratory tract Lower Respiratory tract Terminal respiratory Unite(anatomy of the Acinus) Circulation of the Lung www.zshospital.com
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Definition: Function of thyroidism metabolism |many systems excitability Most common is diffuse toxic goiter (Graves disease,GD),85%
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上海交通大学:《口腔颌面颈部解剖 Oral Anatomy》Canines
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病因 一、风心病单纯主动脉瓣狭窄极少见,多合并主动脉瓣关闭不全和二尖瓣病变 二、先天性畸形单叶、二叶、三叶(大小不) 三、退行性老年钙化性主动脉瓣狭窄65岁以上单纯性主动脉瓣狭窄常见原因 四、其他少见原因赘生物阻塞瓣口
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A group of diseases Pathological changes glomerular injury Clinical manifestations --proteinuria/ hematuria Comp/icated causes& mechanisms Various clinical manifestations Different prognosis Multiple treatment
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上海交通大学:《口腔颌面颈部解剖 Oral Anatomy》Molars
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上海交通大学:《口腔颌面颈部解剖 Oral Anatomy》Chapter One Introduction
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Local anesthesia Topical anesthesia(表面麻醉 Local Infiltration(局部浸润麻醉) small area anesthetized (one or two teeth) solution deposited near terminal nerve endings
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