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第六章中国近代化的全面展开——清末新政 第一节近代化变革:困境中的选择
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第四章民族危机的进一步加深 针对“变局”和“强敌”,洋务派虽然发动了洋务运动,但无法使中国社会真正进步。 而且,在此期间,民族危机更加严重,主要表现在:70年代的边疆危机,80年代的中法战 争和90年代的中日战争。中日战争不仅使洋务运动走到尽头,而且导致了民族危机空前严 重,给中华民族带来了深重的民族危害
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“任何地方发生革命震动总要有一种社会要求作为背景”太平天国农民起义是鸦片战争后中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会,爆发的第一次大规模农民战争。 第一节洪秀全为发动太平天国农民战争而斗争
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Research on Transgenic Corn转基因玉米研究
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一、食品的安全性是研究分析食品中可能存在的有害或有毒物质对人的影响,分析食品原料及产品生产,贮藏及加工过程中人为导致的 污染和有害物质的产生,食品添加剂等对人的潜在危害
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1.生物学的发展和人类生活水平的提高 2.未来的生物学展望 3.科学是双刃剑:生物学面临的挑战
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一、植物转基因技术 将优良性状的目的基因导入植物细胞或组织,并在 其中进行表达,从而使植物获得新的性状
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Human error, poor laboratory techniques and misuse of equipment cause the majority of laboratory injuries and work-related infections. This chapter provides a compendium of technical methods that are designed to avoid or minimize the most commonly reported problems of this nature
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The Laboratory biosafety manual has in the past focused on traditional biosafety guidance for laboratories. The manual emphasizes the use of good microbiological work practices, appropriate containment equipment, proper facility design, operation and maintenance, and administrative considerations to minimize the risk of worker injury or illness. In following these recommendations, the risk to the environment and surrounding community-at-large is also minimized
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Chapter 6. Laboratory animal facilities Those who use animals for experimental and diagnostic purposes have a moral obligation to take every care to avoid causing them unnecessary pain or suffering. The animals must be provided with comfortable, hygienic housing and adequate wholesome food and water At the end of the experiment they must be dealt with in a humane manner
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