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DNA序列自身编码特征的分析是基因组信息学研究的基础,特别是随着大规模测序的日 益增加,它的每一个环节都与信息分析紧密相关。从测序仪的光密度采样与分析、碱基读出、 载体标识与去除、拼接、填补序列间隙、到重复序列标识、读框预测和基因标注的每一步都 是紧密依赖基因组信息学的软件和数据库。特别是拼接和填补序列间隙更需要把实验设计和 信息分析时刻联系在一起
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本章介绍序列比对时常用的几个概念,包括同一性identity)、相似性(《dcnysimilaiy《)同 源性( homology)等。这些概念,在蛋白质和核酸序列比对时经常使用。双序列比对(pairwise alignement)是指通过一定的算法对两个DNA或蛋白质序列进行比对分析,从而找出两者 之间最大相似性匹配。双序列比对是序列分析常用方法之一,是多序列比对和数据库搜索的 基础
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2.1本章简介 本章介绍因特网(Internet)和万维网(《ntemctWorIdWidcWcbWWW,《,简称www),介绍世界各国生物信息中心和服务机构。因特网的诞生,国际生物信息中心的建立,大大推动了生物信息学革命。基于因特网的浏览器的出现,为生物信息资源的开发和应用提供了有效途径。本章将简单介绍浏览器和通过浏览器进行数据库查询的方法,并给出一些重要生物信息中心的网址
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实验一 WINDOWS2000 SERVER IIS的安装与配置 实验二HTML标记符的使用(表格、表单对象、c样式 实验三 JAVASCRIPT语言 实验四 VBSCRIPT编程 实验五ASP内建对象 实验六可安装组件和脚本对象 实验七数据管理的存取操作
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6.1 Definition Definition: A queue is a linear list in which additions and deletions take place at different ends. It is also called a first-in-first-out list. The end at which new elements are added is called the rear. The end from which old elements are deleted is called the front
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Two kinds of data structure Linear: list, stack, queue, string Non-linear: tree, graph
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11.1 Binary Search Trees 1.Definition: A binary search tree is a binary tree that may be empty. nonempty binary search tree satisfies the following properties: 1)Every element has a key and no two elements have the same key: therefore,all keys are distinct
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Main topics Definition of graphs and some terminology Three common graph representations Some algorithms
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9.1 Introduction A priority queue is a collection of zero or more elements. Each element has a priority or value
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7.1 Dictionaries A dictionary is a collection of elements each element has a field called key, and no two elements have the same key value. Operations: Insert(x): insert an element with a specified key value Search(k,x): search an element with a specified key
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