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Venture Capital The Initial Public Offering The Underwriters General Cash Offers The Private Placement
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SInvestment Decision vs. Financing Decision OMarket Efficiency →Weak form efficiency →Semi -strong- form efficiency >Strong form efficiency OLessons of Market Efficiency Irwvin/McGraw-Hill
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Market Portfolio-Portfolio of all assets in the economy. In practice a broad stock marke index, such as the S&P Composite, is used to represent the market. Beta- Sensitivity of a stock's return to the return on the market portfolio
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Organizing a Business The role of The Financial Manager Financial Markets Who Is The Financial Manager Corporate Goals& Incentives Value Maximization Irwvin/McGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies
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Investment Decision vs. Financing Decision Market Efficiency Weak form efficiency Semi- -strong form efficiency Strong form efficiency Lessons of Market Efficiency
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Geothermal's Cost of Capital Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACc) Capital Structure Required Rates of Return Big Oil's WACC SInterpreting WACC Flotation Costs
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Common Stock Preferred Stock Corporate Debt Convertible Securities Patterns of Corporate Financing
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When there are no taxes and capital markets function well. it makes no difference whether the firm borrows or individual shareholders borrow. Therefore. the market value of a company does not depend on its capital structure
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How Dividends are Paid How Do Companies Decide on Dividend Payments Why Dividend Policy Should Not Matter Why Dividends May Increase Firm Value Why Dividends May Reduce Firm Value
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Topics Covered The Market for Corporate Control Sensible Motives for mMergers Dubious Reasons for Mergers SEvaluating Mergers Merger Tactics SLeveraged Buy-Outs Mergers and the Economy IrwinMcGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001
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