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REMINDER: Computer Lab #1 is due on October 8 REMINDER: Quiz 1 will be held from 7: 30-9: 30 p. m. Tuesday, October 14 in Walker Memorial. The quiz will cover material in Chapters 1-3 of o W, Lectures and Recitations
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Reading Assignments: Lectures #3-4 PS#2: Chapter 2 of O&w Lectures #5-6& PS#3: Chapter 3 of o&w Exercise for home study (not to be turned in, although we will provide solutions)
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Part 2.: introduction to thermochemistry SB&VW-14.1-14.6 Until now, we have specified the heat given to the devices analyzed, and not concerned ourselves with how this heat might be produced. In this section, we examine the issue of how obtain the heat needed for work
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2. B Power Cycles with Two-Phase Media (Vapor Power Cycles) [SB&vw-chapter 3, Chapter ll, Sections 11.1 to 11.7] In this section, we examine cycles that use two-phase media as the working fluid. These can be combined with gas turbine cycles to provide combined cycles which have higher efficiency
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Atomic Structure All natural and most synthetic substances on earth are made from the ninety naturally occurring chemical elements. An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided while still retaining the chemical characteristics of that element (fig 3. 1). The nucleus, at the center of the atom contains one or more particles with a positive electrical charge(protons fif and usually some particles of similar mass that have no charge(neutrons
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Circle the best answer according to the passage A. he wanted to make sure the telephone number he dialed was correct B the man on the other end was very rude C. he was a policeman then D. he felt there might be something
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Through the study of these two periods of class, the students should understand the text correctly. The new words should be read fluently. The newwordsandtheexpresionsinthetextshoudbeleamtbyheart
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I. Summary Learning behavior of animals varies to the different conditions and can be reinforce by certain repeated conditions. Pavlov called this kind of reaction conditioned reflex. Learning that animals are capable of also has something to do with intelligence, Different species have their own abilities to do different things. The distinguishable difference between man and animals maybe that the latter cannot really speak
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Directions: Write compositions under the following titles. Every composition should be les than 100 words. You should base your writing on the outlines given below Outline:
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Part I: Listening Comprehension(15% (20 minutes Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation
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