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I C. Wright Mills: The Sociological Imagination l. Peter Berger: Invitation to Sociology TO SOCIOLOGY ll. Using the Sociological EMILE DURKWEIM Imagination and MicroCase SUICIDE Explorit Data to Follow in Durkheim' s footsteps in Understanding Suicide
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EXPLANATORY NOTES GENERAL lia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States, thestem Country/area nomenclature and regional groups used in the volume for all living trees has been used for the volume figure Some variation as to the minimum diameter applied is reported The country/area names and order used in these tables follow in ECE/FAO (2000) standard UN practice regarding
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Unit 1 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Part 1 Vocabulary 一、大词(Semi-Scientific Word) 1. group vt,v(常与with连用)分组;分类;归类 e.g. The data can be grouped under three heads. 这些资料可以分为三大类。 grouping.分组
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一、8086汇编语言程序举例 MY DATA SEGMENT
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Statistics: \a science dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of masses of numerical data\ ebster国际大辞典 统计学是收集、分析、解释与呈现数据 资料的一门科学
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Chapter 9- Learning objectives Explain the difference between a point and an interval estimate Construct and interpret confidence intervals. with a z for the population mean or proportion with a t for the population mean Determine appropriate sample size to achieve specified levels of accuracy and confidence C 2002 The Wadsworth g
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1. Binary Choice Model for Panel Data
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What to publish? Full-length articles are about 5, 000 words: a series of experiments making a coherent story Short notes are about 200 words General rule: it is better to publish one solid paper than to split it into two or three short notes Articles in books and reports are less prestigious: publish your primary data in international journals
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Testing for AR(IS eria Correlation Want to be able to test for whether the errors are serially correlated or not Want to test the null thatp=0 in u,=pu, 1 +et=2.. where u is the model error
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4.0引言 一、决策问题的表格表示损失矩阵对无观察(No-data)问题a= 可用表格(损失矩阵)替代决策树来描述决策问题的后果(损失):
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