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The Total Current Density J The Curl of B Maxwell’s Equations Maxwell’s Equations in Integral Form
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7.1、potentials of electromagnetic field, gauge invariance 7.2、d’Alembert equation and retarded potential 7.3、electric dipole radiation 7.4、EM radiation from arbitrary motion charge
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Magnetization M The Equivalent Surface Current Density The Equivalent Volume Current Denisity J Calculation of Magnetic Fields in Material Magnetic Field Intensity H Ampere’s Circuit Law Magnetic Susceptibility, Permeability Magnetization Curve Hysterisis
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Mutual Induction M Induced Electriomotance in Terms ofMutual Inductance Self-Inductance L Coefficient of Coupling Transients in RC Circuits
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The Lorentz Force Example: The Closed-Field MassSpectrometer Example:The Hall Effect Example:Magnetic Mirrors
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一、基础气压 二、PLC 与气压基本控制 三.、PLC 与气压过程控制
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a)非均匀量化 非均匀量化是一种在整个动态范围内量化间隔不相等的量化
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一、半导体中电子状态和能带 二、半导体中电子的运动和有效质量 三、半导体中载流子的产生及导电机构 四、半导体的能带结构
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