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Normal Pregnancy Pregnand The course that the embryo and the fetus grow in the maternal body Stages f pregnancy Early pregnancy: $12 weeks Mid pregnancy:≥13 weeks,≤27 weeks Late pregnancy: 228 weeks Term pregnancy:≥37 weeks,<42 weeks
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Definition of pregnancy Pregnancy is defined as the course of embryo and fetal growth and development in uterine It begain at the fertilization and end the delivery of the fetal and it's attachment
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Incidence and Prevalence: Increase significantly Range from 1~50% General population: 1~2% Infertile women: 30~50% Occurs primarily in women in 25~45s
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Dystocia literally means difficult labor and it is characterized by abnormally slow progress of labor It is the consequence of four distinct abnormalities that may exist singly or combination
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Cerebral vascular Disease Definition of term: The term cerebrovascular disease designates any abnormality of the brain resulting from a pathologic process of the blood vessels. Sudden loss of neurological function is the hallmark of cerebrovascula disease. Cerebrovascular disease is the third most common cause
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Definition Placenta previa: Abnormal location- of the placenta over,orin close proximity to the internal os. Incidence: approximately 1 /250 pregnancy nulliparas: 1/1000~1/1500 pregnancy grandmultiparas: 1/20
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女性生殖系统解剖 第一节骨盆 (一)骨盆的组成 1.骨盆的骨骼 2.骨盆的关节 3.骨盆的韧带
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Heat Exchangers. NTU-8 Method Where we’ ve been∴ Analysis of heat exchangers using log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
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Viscous flow The Navier-Stokes Equations Nonlinear, second order, partial differential equations
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Natural Convection Where we’ ve been Up to now, have considered basic concepts of natural convection, the governing equations and laminar free convection on vertical surface Where were going Consider empirical correlations for natural convection Heat Transfer
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