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一、认证的概念 认证( Authentication)又称鉴别,确认,它是证实某人某事是否名符其实或是否有效的一个过程。 认证往往是许多应用系统中安全保护的第一道设防,因而极为重要
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一、DES的概况 二、算法总框图 三、加密过程 五、初始置换IP 六、逆初始置换IP 七、加密函数 十、DES的安全性 九、DES的对和性证明 十一、3重DES
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4.1 防火墙概念与分类 4.1.1 防火墙简介 4.1.2 包过滤防火墙 4.1.3 代理服务防火墙 4.1.4 复合防火墙 4.1.5 个人防火墙 4.2 防火墙体系结构 4.2.1. 堡垒主机 4.2.2. 非军事区 4.2.3. 屏蔽路由器 4.2.4 双宿主主机体系结构 4.2.5 主机过滤体系结构 4.2.6 子网过滤体系结构 4.2.7 组合体系结构 4.3 防火墙选型与产品简介 4.3.1 防火墙的局限性 4.3.2 开发防火墙安全策略 4.3.3 防火墙选型原则 4.3.4 典型防火墙简介
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5.1密钥的结构与分配 5.2第三方密钥托管协议 5.3公钥基础设施与认证链 5.4安全认证机构与系统介绍
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• Basic security functions provided by operating systems • System resources that require operating system protection • Operating system design principles • How operating systems control access to resources • The history of trusted computing • Characteristics of operating system rootkits
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• Survey authentication mechanisms • List available access control implementation options • Explain the problems encryption is designed to solve • Understand the various categories of encryption tools as well as the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of each • Learn about certificates and certificate authorities
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6.1 入侵检测原理 6.2 入侵检测实验 6.3 Snort扩展实验 6.4 基于虚拟蜜网的网络攻防实验 6.5 工控入侵检测实验
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• Define computer security as well as basic computer security terms • Introduce the C-I-A Triad • Introduce basic access control terminology • Explain basic threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks • Show how controls map to threats
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8.1 Windows操作系统探测及端口扫描实验 8.2 Back Track5系统的安装 8.3 Nmap网络扫描工具
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.99MB 文档页数:65
• Networking basics • Network threats and vulnerabilities • WiFi security • Denial-of-service attacks • Network encryption concepts and tools • Types of firewalls and what they do • Intrusion detection and prevention systems • Security information and event management tools
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