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Nutritional requirements To live to grow and thrive, humans must take in nutrients from their environment Before birth there are supplied by the mother, but ereafter they must be ingested If too little is provided, the infant will not grow and may become ill, and too much may lead to toxicity or obesity
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定义 菌血症( bacteremia): 细菌短暂入血,无中毒症状,血菌落<100/m1 败血症( septicemia or sepsis): 病原菌(细菌、真菌)侵入血液、大量繁殖、 释放毒素引起的全身感染性疾病 毒血症( toxemia): 血内无菌,有中毒症状(毒素存在) 脓毒败血症( septicopyaemia): 败血症伴多发性脓肿,若血培养阴性,为脓 毒血症( pyemia
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Nutritional requirements To live to grow and thrive, humans must take in nutrients from their environment Before birth there are supplied by the mother, but ereafter they must be ingested If too little is provided, the infant will not grow and may become ill, and too much may lead to toxicity or obesity
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概念(1) 围绝经期 perimen。 pausal period 从接近绝经出现与绝经有关的内分 生物学和临床特征起至绝经一年内。 绝经 menopause 妇女一生中最后一次月经,意味着卵 功能的真正衰竭至月经终止。月经完全 停止一年以上称之绝经
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 発生学;受精卵からある個体の形やつくりが 出来上がる過程と原理を研究する科学。  内容;生殖子の発生・受精・胚胎の発育・畸 形  胎生期間;38週  胚子期;受精卵―8週  胎児期;8週-出生まで
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1.胚盤は腹側に取り 巻かれて “C”字形 2.頭神経孔閉鎖脳胞 3.前頭突起(frontonasal process) 4.心突起(heart process)
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概 述 第3週,内胚葉が胚体内に 取込まれる 原始腸管 (primitive gut) 前腸 中腸 後腸 (foregut) (midgut) (hindgut)
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CAP--概念 社区获得性肺炎(community acquired pneumonia,CAP)是指在医院 外罹患的感染性肺实质(含肺泡壁即广义 上的肺间质)炎症,包括具有明确潜伏期 的病原体感染而在入院后平均潜伏期内 发病的肺炎
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一、病理类型 二、子宫平滑肌肉瘤( leiomyosarcoma) 三、子宫内膜间质肉瘤( endometrial stromal sarcoma) 四、低度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤 五、高度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤 六、恶性中胚叶混合瘤
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