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Goal: analyze aircraft longitudinal dynamics to determine if the be- havior is acceptable, and if not, then modify it using feed back control Note that we could (and will)work with the full dynamics model but for now, let's focus on the short period approximate model from
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State Space Basics State space models are of the form x()= Ax(t)+ Bult) y(t)= Cx(t)+ Dult) with associated transfer function G()=C(sI-A)
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mu Xuu+ Xww-mg cos 000+ m(wi-qUo) Zuu+ Zww Ziw+ Zgq-mg sin+ Iyyq Muu+ Mww+ Mww+ Mq+ There is no roll/yaw motion, so=0. Control commands△x,△z,and△ MC have not yet been specified
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For general applications in 3D, often need to perform 3 separate rotations to relate our inertial frame to our body frame Especially true for aircraft problems There are many ways to do this set of rotations -with the variations be based on the order of the rotations All would be acceptable
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Aircraft Performance Accelerated horizontal flight-balance of forces -Engine thrust TLift(toV)
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运算符:狭义的运算符是表示各种运算的符号 C语言运算符丰富,范围很宽,把除了控制语句 和输入/输出以外的几乎所有的基本操作都作为 运算符处理,所以C语言运算符可以看作是操作 符。C语言丰富的运算符构成C语言丰富的表达 式(是运算符就可以构成表达式)。运算符丰 富、表达式丰富、灵活
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一.填空题:30分 1.常用的光检测系统主要有 三种。 2.选择显色反应的标准有 要好, 要高, 要恒定, 稳定,显色剂与有色化合物的颜色差别要 以及 要易于控制
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除了传统的数学运算, MATLAB支持关系和逻辑运算。如果你已经有了一些编程经验, 就会对这些运算熟悉。这些操作符和函数的目的是提供求解真/假命题的答案。一个重要的应用是控制基于真/假命题的一系列 MATLAB命令(通常在M文件中)的流程,或执行次序
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3.1M文件 3.2程序控制结构 3.3函数文件 3.4程序举例 3.5程序调试
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13.1 Notebook操作基础 13.2单元的使用 13.3输出格式控制
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