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1、简述而为直线编码裁剪算法的原理答:(略) 2、简述在计算机图形学中常用的三个坐标系用户坐标系、设备坐标系、规格化坐标系的关系。答:(略)
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一、理解类的继承性概念以及父类和子类的关系 二、学习使用修饰符 protect、 final、 abstract 三、理解多态性 四、使用接口和内部类 五、熟悉程序开发的过程和类的设计原则
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5.1轮系分类及传动比计算 5.2轮系的功能 5.3轮系的设计 5.4其它类型的行星传动
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第一章绪论 1.1什么是数据结构 1.2基本概念和术语 1.3抽象数据类型的表示与实现 1.4算法和算法分析 1.4.1算法 1.4.2算法设计的要求 1.4.3算法效率的度量 1.4.4算法的存储空间的需求
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The work of the external forces in the spring system of the figure is given by W=B*(U1+U2+U3)(2) W=P1*U1+P2米U2+B米U3(3) None of the above statements
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The state of stress at a point is completely determined when: 1. the stress vectors on three different planes are specified 2. the stress vectors on two different planes are speciale 3. the stress vectors one arbitrary plane is spec-
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not repeated in the same additive term where the index appears. Free means that the index represents all the values in its range Latin indices will range from 1 to, (i,j, k
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For the potato-shaped body given in class to explain the concept of stress, the field of stress vectors t(n)=t(n)(x)on the plane of normal n given by its cartesian components(1,0, 0) known and its cartesian components are given by the expression
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Concept Question Consider the following simple displacement field
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16.21 Techniques of Structural Analysis and sig Spring 2003 Unit #4- Thermodynamics Principles First Law of Thermodynamics
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