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Introduction Cost-benefit analysis is a set of practical procedures for guiding public expenditure decisions
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Introduction Are people unaffected by tax increase if they pay zero in taxes afterwards? No, consumption may have changed in response to the tax increase Bundle consumed is less desirable Excess burden is a loss of welfare above and beyond the tax revenues collected
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Basic Structure Fiqure 15.1 shows the series of steps used to compute a person's tax liability. Step 1: Compute Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Step 2: Convert AG/ into taxable income by subtracting exemptions and deductions Step 3: Compute tax due by applying a rate schedule, and subtracting tax credits
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Introduction A corporation is a form of business organization in which ownership is usually represented by transferable stock certificates -Stockholders have limited liability Corporations are independent legal entities · Can make contracts, hold property, incur debt, sue, and be sued
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1.知识题 2.情景分析与操作题 3.案例分析题
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通过本章的学习,了解与公众行为关系 密切的若干社会心理现象,包括知觉、 需要、态度、流行、流言、舆论、从众 心理、逆反心理等等,把握一般的公众 心理和行为特征
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Introduction There is substantial dissatisfaction with the federal personal and corporate income tax systems. One possibility is to adopt a consumption tax whose base is actual consumption. Another possibility is a tax on wealth, whose base is accumulated saving
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一、垄断 二、外部影响 三、公共物品 四、不完全信息
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Introduction This lesson will address questions related to different levels of government: How should various responsibilities be allocated to different levels of government? Is decentralized government decision making desirable? Are locally raised taxes a good way to pay for services provided locally?
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Introduction Besides taxation, the government's' other major revenue source is borrowing. In this lesson, we will: Discuss problems with measuring size of debt Who bears the burden of the debt When is borrowing a suitable way to finance government expenditure
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