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上海交通大学:《材料科学基础》课程教学资源(试卷习题)英文题库习题_Deformation & Recrystallization
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一、 教材: 1、《内科学》(王吉耀 廖二元 胡品津主编,供 8 年制及 7 年制等临床医学专业用,人民卫生出版社出版 2005 年) 2、《现代内科学英语精要》(英文版教材,王吉耀摘编,人民卫生出版社出版)
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RA is a chronic polyarticular inflammatory arthritis that involves not only small joints of the hands and feet but also systemic organs. Pathologic change: chronic synovitis with pannus (血管 翳)formation
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Diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory arrest Traditional methods : 1. Carotid pulse check by lay rescuers 2. Loss of consciousness 3. Pupil dilation 4. Respiratory arrest
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What is critical care medicine? Multidisciplinary healthcare specialty cares for patients with acute, life￾threatening illness or injury which including continuum of life support from the scene through discharge
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Classification of diabetes(ADA-1997) Type 1 (beta-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency) Autoimmune Idiopathic
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HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA (reduced RBC life span) Anemia of increased destruction cNormochromic, normochromic anemia Shortened RBC survival cRReticulocytosis--Response to increased rBC destruction caIncreased indirect bilirubin cRIncreased LDH
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