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一、高效毛细管电泳基本原理 二、仪器装置 三、影响柱效的因素及改进方法 四、主要特点和应用
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21-l 质谱仪 21-2质谱图及其应用
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第一节 砂岩的骨架性质 第二节 油藏岩石的孔隙性 第三节 油藏流体饱和度 第四节 油藏岩石的压缩系数 第五节 油藏岩石的渗透性 第六节 毛细管渗流模型及应用
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Chapter 7: P2P Application development Chapter goal: P2P application model P2P application design P2P example
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Chapter 7: P2P Application development Chapter goal: P2P applicat P2P application model P2P examp P2P example
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Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based P. Application Development Chapter goal Www and Http Www and hTMl Web Programming RPC and Middleware World wide web Use of Client-Server Paradigm
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Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment a Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Encapsulation and tunneling
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Optimizing stateless servers Consider a connectionless server for file Table of information about files clients are using We find hash(IP addr, port) Overhead of opening and closing file each Buffer for file x
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Chapter 3: Client Software Design Chapter goal: Algorithm and issues Concurrency in client Client examples Learning algorithm instead of details
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Conceptual interface specification Implementation of an API The TCP/IP standards do not leave All implementations of a particular API appear the ithout any guidance. or functions)that ar
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