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第十四讲提纲 一、Simulink仿真-I 二、Simulink概述 三、Simulink模块框图建模
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第十二讲提纲 一、第十二讲回顾 1.图形对象与句柄 2.综合练习 二、 Matlab绘图-II 1.交互式绘图
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第十讲提纲 Matlab绘图-I:功能函数 一、二维图形 二、图形修饰与控制 三、三维图形 四、特殊图形绘制
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◼ 黄金分割与计算 ◼ 本课程内容安排 ◼ 科学计算与仿真
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Chapter 1 ntroduction to matlaB This book is an introduction to two subjects: MATLAB and numerical computing This first chapter introduces MATLAB by presenting several programs that inves tigate elementary, but interesting, mathematical problems. If you already have some experience programming in another language, we hope that you can see how MATLAB works by simply studying these programs
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一、人工智能简介an introduction toArtificial intelligence 二、仪器分析实验多媒体仿真模拟multimedia simulation ofinstrument analysisexperimentcomputer and instrumentanalysisartificial intelligence andmultimedia experimentsimulation technology
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第一节 逻辑仿真 第二节 电路综合
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上海交通大学:《制冷原理与技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第五章 制冷空调中的计算机仿真与控制(5.1)制冷空调中的计算机仿真
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一、Multisim电路方真 1.RLC串联谐振仿 2.RC电路的过渡过仿真
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一 运行仿真软件 用鼠标左键双击桌面上的“Multisim 2001”,或者点击“开始”—〉“程序”—〉“Multisim 2001
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